Miguel Chevalier

MIGUEL CHEVALIER (f. 1959) er kjent som en av pionerene innen digital kunst. Hans arbeider er eksperimentelle og multidisiplinære med et solid fotfeste i kunsthistorien.
Chevalier er utdannet ved Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts og Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs i Paris, og ved Pratt Institute i New York. I 1994 hadde han et atelieropphold i Kujoyama Villa i Kyoto, Japan.
Med digitale medier, i hovedsak videoprojeksjoner, som teknikk utforsker Miguel Chevalier både teknologi og kunst som et interaktivt medium. Dette er et fenomen som er sterkt knyttet til den internasjonale samtidskunstscenen. Hans grafikk ser på digitale mediers egenskaper, spesielt hvordan de endeløse teknologiske rom kan forholde seg på en todimensjonal flate.
Miguel Chevalier har produsert storslåtte utstillinger og installasjoner for museer, kunstsentre, gallerier og offentlige rom verden rundt. Hans spektakulære installasjon “The Origin of the World – Bubble" ble hovedattraksjonen under lysfestivalen Lumiere i London i 2018, der den hang over Oxford Circus.
Utdanning | ||
1983 | Degree in visual arts, Université de Paris Saint Charles | |
1983 | Graduate of Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris | |
1983 | Degrees in fine art and archaeology, Université de Paris La Sorbonne ( | |
1981 | Graduate of Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris | |
Separatutstilling (utvalg) | ||
2018 | Origin of the World Bubble, Oxford Circus, Festival Lumiere, London | |
2018 | Digital Icons, AURORA Light, video, sound Biennal, City Hall, Dallas | |
2017 | Flower Power, Jing An Kerry Centre, Shanghai | |
2017 | Complex Meshes, Jacksonville (USA) Flower Power, Festival Aarhus, Bispetorv, Aarhus | |
2016 | Complex Meshes, Origin of World and Pixels Wave, Lumiere London 2016, Piccadilly Circus, London | |
2016 | Magic Carpets, IF: Milton Keynes International Festival, Middleton Hall, centre:mk, Milton Keynes | |
2015 | Méta-Territoires, Galerie Fernand Léger, Ivry-sur-Seine | |
2015 | Dear World… Yours, Cambridge, King's College Chapel, Cambridge | |
2015 | Complex Meshes, Lumiere Festival, Durham Cathédral, Durham | |
2014 | Power Pixels, Utsikten Kunstsenter, Kvinesdal | |
2014 | Digital Paradise, The Space, Puerta Roja Gallery, Hong Kong | |
2013 | Power Pixels (cat.), Wood Street Galleries, Pittsburgh | |
2013 | El Origen del mundo, Filux, Festival Internacional de las Luces México, Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico | |
2012 | Rosaces Digitales, Chemins d'art en Armagnac Festival, Aurens Church, Castelnau-sur-Auvignon | |
2011 | Digital Arabesques, Abu Dhabi East Plaza Corniche, with French Alliance, Abu Dhabi | |
2011 | Power Pixels, Oi Futuro Foundation, Rio de Janeiro | |
2010 | Terra Incognita, Mis (Museu da Imagem e do Som), Sao Paulo | |
2010 | Fractal Flowers in vitro, Sanat Limani, Istanbul | |
2009 | Fractal Flowers in vitro, Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris | |
2009 | Fractal Flowers, iMAL, Center for Digital Cultures and Technology, Brussels | |
2008 | Fractal Flowers in vitro, installation in front of the Town Hall of the Fourth District of Paris | |
2007 | Paradis Artificiel / Sur-Natures 2007, Gallery of Galeries Lafayette, Paris | |
2007 | Ultra-Nature, Techfest Mumbai, Mumbai | |
2006 | Supra-Natura, Festival Luzboa, giant projection on the frontage of Museo do Chiado, Luzboa | |
2006 | Digital Arabesques, In Palais Ksar Char Bagh, Marrakech | |
2005 | Intersecting Networks, Kunstverket Gallery in Oslo | |
2005 | Supra-Natura, Alliance Française, Buenos Aires | |
2004 | Ultra-Nature, interactive installation developed for a metro station in Oslo, Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Oslo | |
2003 | Tisser les réseaux, Cité Internationale de Lyon | |
2002 | Metapolis (CD-Rom.), Museo de arte contemporaneo, Monterrey | |
2000 | Périphérie, video installation, MAMCO, Geneva | |
1999 | Mémoires & Mutations, Centre d’art contemporain La Fabrika, Beirut | |
1998 | Périphérie, Espace Pierre Cardin, Paris | |
1996 | Oro negro (cat.), Museo de arte Alvar y Carmen T. de Carrillo Gil, Mexico | |
1994 | Contre nature, Villa Kujoyama, Kyoto | |
1992 | Performances—digital video installation on four giant screens, Barcelona Summer Olympic Games | |
1989 | Interconnexion, Galerie Jade, Frankfurt International Art Fair, Frankfurt | |
1987 | Baroque & Classique, Granit Centre d’art contemporain, Belfort | |
Gruppeutstilling (utvalg) | ||
2018 | De Calder à Koons, bijoux d’artistes. La collection idéale de Diane Venet, Musee des arts Décoratifs | |
2018 | Pistils & Pixels - Dialogue between the collections of the Musée Ingres, muséum Victor Brun, the Mémo and Miguel Chevalier's artworks, Médiathèque Mémo, Montauban | |
2017 | Kinetic Fields, Opera Gallery, New York | |
2017 | Art Paris Art Fair, with Mordoch Gallery (Paris – Miami), Grand Palais, Paris | |
2016 | Intangible Space - Miguel Chevalier et Laurent Martin “Lo”, Puerta Roja Gallery, Hong Kong | |
2015 | Art Central Art Fair, with Galerie Puerta Roja Gallery (Hong Kong), Hong Kong | |
2015 | 2050 – a brief history of the future, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels | |
2014 | Metamorphosis of the Virtual, K11 Art Foundation, Shanghai ( | |
2014 | Digital Arabesques, Islamic Art Festival, Al Majaz waterfront, Sharjah | |
2013 | Art Paris Art Fair, Gallery Louise Alexander (Porto Cervo) and Gallery Sem-Art (Monaco), Grand Palais, Paris | |
2013 | The Metamorphoses of the Virtual (cat.), Officina delle Zattere, Venice | |
2012 | Picasso to Koons: Artist as Jeweler (cat.), Benaki Museum, Athènes | |
2012 | Turbulences, Espace culturel Louis Vuitton, Paris | |
2012 | Retrospective Auguste Herbin, Musée départemental Matisse, Cateau Cambrésis | |
2011 | Art Miami, with Priveekollektie Gallery (NLD), Miami | |
2010 | Digital Nights, Singapore Art Museum, Singapore | |
2010 | Living Codes, PaciArte contemporary, Brescia, Italy | |
2009 | Herbarius 2059, Salon international du livre Ancien, Grand Palais, Paris | |
2009 | Dialogue avec les collections #2 – paysage/vidéo, Musée d’Art, Toulon | |
2008 | Ultra-Natures, Emoção Art.ficial 4.0, Centro Cultural Itaú, São Paulo | |
2007 | Ultra-Nature, Glow Festival: forum of light in art and architecture, Eindhoven | |
2006 | Art and playing – Funsters (cat.), Seoul Arts Center, Seoul | |
2005 | ElectoScape (cat.), curator Wonil Rhee Zendai Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai | |
2005 | Gallery Suzanne Tarasiève, FIAC 2005, Paris | |
2003 | Space Art (cat.), exhibition arranged as part of the Outsiders 2003 festival of digital art, Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris | |
2000 | Aller-Retour, 2000, Kwangju International Biennale, Korea | |
2000 | L’invention du monde, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris | |
1999 | L’Estampe en France (cat.), Inter-American Development Bank Cultural Center, Washington | |
1997 | Magie der zahl (cat.), Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart | |
1996 | La Ville moderne en Europe 1870-1996, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo | |
1996 | Vision Quest 1996, Beijing International Center, Beijing | |
1994 | Logo and non logo (cat.), Thread Waxing Space Gallery, New York | |
1993 | Compkuenstlerg (cat.), Computerunterstützte Kunst, Künstlerwerkstatt, Munich | |
1992 | Variaciones en Gris (cat.), Centro Cultural de la Villa, Madrid | |
1990 | Art & publicité 1890-1990, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris | |
1988 | Ateliers 88, ARC Musée d’art moderne de la Ville, Paris | |
1986 | Trans-culture, Exit art gallery, New York |