Ruby slippers av Tyler Shields

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This photo was inspired by the magic pair of shoes worn by Dorothy in the “The Wizard of Oz.” They may be the most iconic pair of shoes ever made, and the movie is surely one of the most iconic films in the history of cinema. The landmark film is adored by generations of audiences and critics alike, so my endeavor in creating a photograph that was a nod to the film was not taken lightly. It took six months to have these shoes handmade to fit the model's feet, and they will never fit anyone else. I loved the idea that the shoes would drip ruby dust, so we set up this shoot. Now, imagine holding your foot in this position while someone is underneath you, aiming the falling glitter at their tongue. Needless to say, you won't learn this in a classroom, and this rarely ever happens, but it came out perfectly! The balance, the color, the tone, the vivid sparkle - everything lined up. Shot on a Hasselblad 503 cw


Tyler Shields

Tyler Shields

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Som sin generasjons Andy Warhol har Tyler Shields produsert bilder som leker med forestillinger om blikket, maktstrukturer, hyperrealisme, ikonoklastiske tendenser og kinematografisk uttrykk, men hans verk i Mouthful-serien er blant hans mest kjente

Fotografen, filmregissøren og tekstforfatteren Tyler Shields (f. 1982) ble født i Jacksonville, Florida, og er bosatt i Los Angeles.