Glitter mouth av Tyler Shields

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At first glance you would think she is wearing a sweater, but the only thing she is wearing is a hat. The rest is all a shadow. “The Mystery of the Mouth” is one of the most technically difficult photos I have ever taken. I created a custom light for this photo and set up a custom room. This was shot on a Hasselblad camera with only one light. It was one of the hardest photos to take and took hours to get the lighting correct. If you gave me a week to recreate this photo, I'm not sure it could be done. The contrast, the silhouette – everything about the photo is just too perfect, and I could not have predicted any of it. Shot on Hasselblad H camera with Fuji film.


Tyler Shields

Tyler Shields

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Som sin generasjons Andy Warhol har Tyler Shields produsert bilder som leker med forestillinger om blikket, maktstrukturer, hyperrealisme, ikonoklastiske tendenser og kinematografisk uttrykk, men hans verk i Mouthful-serien er blant hans mest kjente

Fotografen, filmregissøren og tekstforfatteren Tyler Shields (f. 1982) ble født i Jacksonville, Florida, og er bosatt i Los Angeles.