Cat's Escape - After Work av Sebastian Magnani

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Digital C-Print On Fujifilm Fujicolor Crystal Archive Digital Paper DP II

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Kunstnerens egen kommentar

Sebastian Magnani's latest photographic series offers rare glimpses into Catwoman’s downtime, revealing a more languorous side of the iconic character. Interchangeably portrayed as Batman's foe, crime-fighting partner and lover, Catwoman is one of the most interesting and complex fictional antiheroes. Seductively captured on location in her tight, black catsuit, a laborious and time-consuming creative process that eschews any digital manipulation, the series combines a vibrant sense of colour with a melancholic sensibility, whimsically conveying the contradictions of human existence.


Sebastian Magnani

Sebastian Magnani

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SEBASTIAN MAGNANI (f. 1985) er en Sveits-basert konseptuell fotograf kjent for intime portretter hvor lys og farge er fremtredende. og er med på å skape følelsesladde scener.