Traveller's tears av Rosco Brittin

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"Traveller's Tears: The rarest of all english wild flowers. Druids of ancient Britain would sing songs not only about this incredible flower but actually sing to it. Sometimes for years in a hope that the flower would help them forget certain memories that were too horrific or maybe a broken heart. Carries very potent spores that when realised just once a year into the nearby air would render one unconscious and wake with the mother of all hangovers. Leaving you with no memory of how you got there or why. Works for me!" Created using just cut out petals and stems from classic paintings. Rosco has produced a unique collection of alien wild flowers and sprinkled with strange creatures, giving the illusion that the plant could be huge or that the creatures are very small.


Rosco Brittin

Rosco Brittin

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ROSCO BRITTIN er en London-basert kunstner som spesialiserer seg på collage. Hans arbeider er surrealistiske og renessanse-inspirerte på samme tid, med en god dose humor. Enkelte av arbeidene består av hundrevis av biter av antikke tapeter og malerier nitidig satt sammen i collager, inspirert av natur, klassiske malerier og fantasiverdener. Han arbeider for hånd, både fysisk med skalpell og saks, og digitalt.