Ice Pick av Jim Lee
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Signert og nummerert med blyant in verso, i tillegg er det signert en selvklebende etikett som festes på bakplaten ved innramming
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This is a shot of a glamorous woman who asked for a drink up at the bar and she didn't get any ice, so she tries to get the attention of the Barman but he is not having it - he is tossing his cocktail shaker up and over his shoulder to catch it behind his back and basically showing off and being a jerk – so the woman takes off her high heeled shoe and whacks a big block of ice on the bar in front of her with the heel that shatters the block of ice and proceeds to take a piece and pop it in her glass and walks off content!
Shot on a Nikon D850 / F4 Zoom Lens - on Location in London.