Haaland av David Yarrow

P Dette kunstverket omsettes ved Fineart som mellommann i opphavsmannens navn, og er således unntatt MVA. Les mer

Innrammet med en sort massiv trelist og canvastrukket passepartout. Rammen er et kunstverk i seg selv og en integrert del av kunstverket. Finnes i to størrelser:
Standard: 132 x 180 cm | Large: 180 x 251 cm
Målene er yttermålet på rammen
OBS: 6-8 ukers leveringstid

Kunstnerens egen kommentar

Oslo, Norway

There is no more relevant footballer in the world than Erling Haaland and, given football’s global appeal, that makes him the world’s most relevant sportsman. Aged just 23, he also has many years ahead of him to continue to break goal scoring records at the same ferocious speed that has characterised his early career. He is a true one off and a global sensation.

I was fortunate that through our deep ties in Norway, Erling was contacted and encouraged to spend some time with me during a recent international break in his home country. There are many people to thank that this collaboration finally took place, none, more so, than his father - Alfie - who warmed to the idea that we could take an image that would raise money for causes close to their hearts in Norway.

I was mindful of what an opportunity this was and we worked on a narrative that would embrace Erling’s physical presence and distinctive Nordic look. It was not the hardest decision to play on a Viking theme, because it is difficult to think of another sportsman in the world who could wear that look more naturally.

As we walked into the fjord that afternoon, I remember thinking, he better not stand on a sharp rock, as the subsequent lawsuit would finish my career. So we walked very gingerly - baby step by baby step - until he was waist deep, which of course is further out to sea than most.

I had my moment, and the light as the low cloud cleared was increasingly kind. Throughout the shoot, he was fully engaged and charming to all. I look forward to the reaction this photograph will receive and the monies it will raise in the next couple of years. I am very aware of the privilege bestowed upon me that Sunday in Oslo.


David Yarrow

David Yarrow

Se kunstnerprofil

DAVID YARROW (f. 1966) reiser verden rundt og tar bilder av ville dyr og urfolk. Men ikke kall ham villmarksfotograf, for han er en av verdens bestselgende kunstfotografer. Yarrow er representert av viktige gallerier verden over, og fotografiene hans selges for opptil 110.000 dollar stykket.

David Yarrow ble født i Glasgow i Skottland i 1966 og begynte å fotografere allerede som tenåring. Han er kunstfotograf, finansmann, naturverner og forfatter. Yarrow reiser verden rundt til noen av klodens mest isolerte steder og tar unike bilder av ville dyr, urfolk, landskap og bortgjemte samfunn.