The Great Wall II av Cecilia Riis Kjeldsen

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Fine Art print trykket på Hahnemuhle Museum Etching 350

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The series is a collection of landscape photographs that explore the medium's possibilities as a technique and as a manager of memories.
The landscapes are scenery for past experiences and memories, the photographs are shot on film once each as an attempt for new associations. Then they are drawn physically and digitally, almost childlike. A protest. The questions I ask the viewer are whether we own our own memories and to what extent, how much is based on documentation and what comes from ourselves and how true they are. At the same time, I ask questions about whether we can replace a memory with new associations. Furthermore, I want the viewer to have limited access to the artist's opinion and in that way create their own associations.
Photographed in analog medium format. The title refers to the performance project between Ulay and Marina Abramovic's walk from either side of The Wall of China / the Great Wall of China as an end to their relationship and to say goodbye.
Like the hippocampus, photographs act as something we can look back on in the present and build up the sense of self. Inspired by Larkin's poem Referance Back on how memories «links us to our losses» this may be my attempt to create new associations and memories through the camera regardless of the result.


Cecilia Riis Kjeldsen

Cecilia Riis Kjeldsen

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CECILIA RIIS KJELDSEN (f. 1987) er en norsk kunstner med base i Fredrikstad som jobber med fotografi, tegning, collage og video.

Kjeldsen jobber hovedsakelig med personlige prosjekter og har flere gruppe- og separatutstillinger og bokprosjekter bak seg. Som fotograf har hun flere års erfaring med prosjekter rettet mot musikk, portrett og mote.