Book: UFO: Albert Watson av Albert Watson


This retrospective of Albert Watson's (*1942) best photos from the past four decades reflects a history of an era, capturing cultural aspects such as design, fashion, and beauty as well as their protagonists.

Through his career that has lasted more than 40 years, the Scottish photographer portrayed various movie stars, musicians, or politicians for magazines and made more than 250 covers for Vogue magazine.

Although graphically constructed, his pictures still reveal the soul of the person or object portrayed, while seeming like sculptures at the same time. One of his special abilities is to find the defining difference in his motives. For the catalogue "UFO - Unified Fashion Objectives", a special selection was compiled to present Watson's special abilities as a photographer, chosen from a huge archive.

Albert Watson

Albert Watson

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ALBERT WATSON (f. 1942) er en skotsk fotograf kjent for sine mote-, reklame- og kunstfotografier. I løpet av sin karriere har han stått for over 200 forsider for Vouge, samt over 40 forsider for Rolling Stones siden midten av 1970-tallet. Photo District News (PDN), har rangert Watson som en av de 20 mest innflytelsesrike fotografene gjennom tidene, på linje med fotografer som Irving Penn og Richard Avedon. Han har vunnet flere priser, blant annet en Lucy Award, en Grammy Award, en Hasselblad Masters Award og tre Andy Awards. I 2010 ble Watson tildelt The Royal Photographic Society’s Centenary Medal and Honorary Fellowship (HonFRPS) for hans viktige bidrag til fotografikunsten.