Book: Creating Photographs, Albert Watson av Albert Watson


Let legendary fashion and portrait photographer Albert Watson guide you through how he captures his amazing images.
In a series of bite-sized lessons Watson unveils the stories behind his most-famous shots and gives you the inspiration, tips and ideas to take into your own photography - from how to work with lighting and lenses, to learning to embrace your creativity and advice on getting your foot in the industry door.

Illustrated throughout with key images from Watson's incredible 50-year career at the forefront of photography.

Albert Watson

Albert Watson

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ALBERT WATSON (f. 1942) er en skotsk fotograf kjent for sine mote-, reklame- og kunstfotografier. I løpet av sin karriere har han stått for over 200 forsider for Vouge, samt over 40 forsider for Rolling Stones siden midten av 1970-tallet. Photo District News (PDN), har rangert Watson som en av de 20 mest innflytelsesrike fotografene gjennom tidene, på linje med fotografer som Irving Penn og Richard Avedon. Han har vunnet flere priser, blant annet en Lucy Award, en Grammy Award, en Hasselblad Masters Award og tre Andy Awards. I 2010 ble Watson tildelt The Royal Photographic Society’s Centenary Medal and Honorary Fellowship (HonFRPS) for hans viktige bidrag til fotografikunsten.